How to play Heroes of Timeline:
Team Skills and Hero Abilities
This section of the website is here to help you solve all disputes you may have about the Team Skills and Hero Abilities. We'll try to cover everything as thoroughly as possible, but if you still have a question, feel free to drop an email at
Team Skills and Hero Abilities
This section of the website is here to help you solve all disputes you may have about the Team Skills and Hero Abilities. We'll try to cover everything as thoroughly as possible, but if you still have a question, feel free to drop us an email at
Dragon Hunters

Team skill: Dominators
When determining the Turn Winner, count one contested Sector as controlled by the Dragon Hunters.
- After all Heroes on the board have been activated, the turn results are determined. If the Key Tile is not occupied, you need to count how many sectors each Team controls.
- A team controls a sector if only heroes from this team are in it. If there are Heroes from both teams in a sector, this sector is contested, and neither player controls it.
- Dragon Hunters can count only one contested sector as controlled by them.
- This does not depend on amount of Heroes from both teams. For example: by the end of the Turn there are 1 Dragon Hunter and 3 Guards of Witgat is same sector. It is a contested sector, and Dragon Hunters can claim it as controlled by them if they use their Team Skill.
- They can do it at the end of each Turn, every time the sectors are counted.

Red Knight
Hero Ability: Wall Crusher
Walk through Walls; the Walls are destroyed.
- The Red Knight can walk through Walls in any movement scenario: e.g., during the movement part of the activation, or while performing the Reflex move.
- There is no limit to the amount of Walls he walks through.
- He also destroys each Wall he walks through. Remove the tokens of such Walls from the board.
- You can perform a melee attack on a Hero behind the Wall with the Red Knight. In this case, the Wall is destroyed, even if the attack is not leading to an elimination.

Hero Ability: Dragon Dance
After a melee elimination, can move to or attack an adjacent tile; maximum 1 chain kill.
- If Drakkar eliminates a Hero with a melee attack, he occupies the tile of the eliminated Hero, and then he can make an additional move to a tile adjacent to the tile of the eliminated Hero.
- You can turn after such a move. You can also turn even if you decide not to move to an adjacent tile.
- If there is another Hero on an adjacent tile of the eliminated Hero, you can perform another melee attack.
- If you eliminate the second Hero using this ability, you can make one more move to an adjacent tile of the second eliminated Hero. But you can not make an attack on a third Hero on an adjacent tile of the second eliminated Hero.

Hero Ability: Dragon Slayer Arrow
Once a game make a ranged attack as strong as melee; announce at Turn start.
- Ballista has an ability that can be used only once per game. You have to announce that this ability is active before the activations start. Don't forget to put the token of this ability on top of her card to indicate this ability is active.
- In the Turn when this ability is active, one ranged attack will be as powerful as melee attack: it will destroy Superior armor, or eliminate a Hero if hits side with Regular or no armor.
- This ability is active only for one turn. It will not be active in the next turn even if you did not use it.
- When this ability is active, Ballista's ranged attack destroys Walls as usual.
- This ability only covers one attack. If Ballista makes a second ranged attack during a Reflex Move in a Turn when her ability is active, this second attack is performed as usual.
Hidden Temple

Team skill: Sharpshooters
At the start of each Turn, select a Hero and add 1 to ranged attack distance for this Turn.
- At the start of each Turn, the Hidden Temple player can choose any Hero on the board and increase that Hero's ranged attack distance by 1.
- You need to announce that this ability is active before the activations start.
- Don't forget to put the token of this ability on top of the chosen Hero card to indicate this ability is active.
- In case you did not announce a target Hero for this skill, the increased range either stays with the Hero chosen in the previous Turn, or none of the Heroes get a buff, if no Hero was chosen previously.

Hero Ability: Backup Positions
Can move to an adjacent tile after ranged attack at a Wall or an enemy Hero.
- After Grandpa makes a ranged attack and hits either a Wall or enemy Hero, he can make a move to an adjacent tile and turn.
- He can not make a melee attack with this move.
- He also cannot move through Walls with this move.
- Can not perform an extra move if ranged attack hits a friendly Hero.

Hero Ability: Storm Gust
Instead of attacking, can turn all Heroes by 1 tile side in her or 1 adjacent Sector.
Explanation and example for this ability are 👉 in the Rules video (15:37)
- After moving and turning, the Lady can give up her attack, and instead use her ability.
- This ability allows her to select her current or one adjacent Sector and turn all Heroes in this Sector by one side of the hexagon.
- The Player chooses if the Heroes are turned clockwise or counter clockwise.
- The Lady is not turning if the ability is used in her current Sector.
- This ability can not be used if the Lady occupies the Key tile.

Hero Ability: Temple Trained
When moves, can jump over (move through) one Wall in each Turn.
- Reiko can walk through a Wall in any movement scenario: e.g., during the movement part of the activation, or while performing the Reflex move.
- The limit to the amount of Walls Reiko walks through is one per Turn. You can not use this Ability in both main Activation and a Reflex Move.
- Reiko is not destroying the Wall they walk through.
- You can perform a melee attack on a Hero behind the Wall. In this case, the Wall is not destroyed, even if the attack is not leading to an elimination.

Hero Ability: Zenitsu Strike
After a melee elimination, can move up to 2 tiles in the same direction, maximum one chain kill.
- If Ronin eliminates a Hero with a melee attack, he occupies the tile of the eliminated Hero, and then he can make an additional move in the same direction.
- You can move 1 or 2 tiles. You can not turn after such a move.
- You can perform another melee attack if another Hero is reachable with additional movement.
- If you eliminate the second Hero using this ability, you can make one more move 1 or 2 tiles in the same direction. But you can not make an attack on a third Hero.
Guards of Witgat

Team skill: Wall Raisers
Instead of attacking, each Hero can place a Wall in the direction faced and within ranged attack distance.
Explanation and example for this Skill are 👉 in the Rules video (16:15)
- Each Hero in the Guards of Witgat team can place a Wall token instead of attacking.
- The game comes with 18 Wall tokens, and that is the maximum amount of Wall tokens that can be on the board. If there are no spare Wall tokens to place, this Skill can not be used. But if a Wall is destroyed during the game, Guards can use the token of this Wall in their Turn.
- The Wall tokens can be placed only in the direction the Hero is facing after moving and turning. The effective distance of this skill is limited by the Ranged Attack Distance stat of each Hero.
- You can place a Wall token on any side of the tiles in the effective range. You can also place them behind other Wall tokens and Heroes.

Hero Ability: Matter Manipulator
Using Team Skills allows placing two Wall tokens instead of one.
- If the Alchemist gives up an attack and instead uses the Team Skill, he can place two Wall tokens instead of one.
- If the Guards player is suffering a Punishment after Turn 2, Alchemist can place only 1 Wall token.

Hero Ability: Demolitionist
Shoot through Walls. Walls are destroyed.
- The Cannoneer's ranged attacks pierce through Walls in any ranged attack scenario: e.g., during the activation, or while performing the Reflex move.
- He destroys each Wall his ranged attacks pierce through. Remove the tokens of such Walls from the board.
- There is no limit to the amount of Walls his ranged attacks pierce through. Although the player can decide to destroy less than maximum Walls.

Hero Ability: Matter Absorber
Upgrade 1 existing or put on 1 new Regular Armor token after eliminating enemy Hero
- After Golem eliminates enemy Hero, he can either add 1 Regular armor token to any side of his base without armor, or swap one existing Regular armor token for a Superior armor token.

Hero Ability: Bulldozer Potion
Once per game, get +2 movement range for one Turn; declare at Turn start.
- Berserk has an ability that can be used only once per game. You have to announce that this ability is active before the activations start. Don't forget to put the token of this ability on top of his card to indicate this ability is active.
- In the Turn when this ability is active, Berserk's movement range is increased by 2.
- This ability is active only for one turn. It will not be active in the next turn even if you did not use it.
- This ability only covers one movement. If Berserk makes a second movement during a Reflex Move in a Turn when his ability is active, this second move is performed as usual.
The Institute

Team skill: Gateway
At the start of each Turn, select a Hero who will move through Walls and other Heroes this Turn.
- At the start of each Turn, the Institute player can choose any Hero on the board and allow that Hero to move through the Walls and other Heroes for 1 Turn.
- You need to announce that this ability is active before the activations start.
- Don't forget to put the token of this Skill on top of the chosen Hero card to indicate this ability is active.
- There is no limit to the amount of Walls a chosen Hero walks through is one per Turn. You can use this Ability in both main Activation and a Reflex Move.
- A chosen Hero is not destroying the Walls they walk through.
- You can perform a melee attack on a Hero behind the Wall with this skill. In this case, the Wall is not destroyed, even if the attack is not leading to an elimination.
- In case you did not announce a target Hero for this skill, the increased range either stays with the Hero chosen in the previous Turn, or none of the Heroes get a buff, if no Hero was chosen previously.

Hero Ability: Superposition
Instead of movement, can swap places with any Hero within movement range (no turning).
- Instead of usual movement, Professor can swap places with any other Hero on the board.
- The target Hero has to be in range of Professor's movement, ignoring the Walls and other Heroes.
- When you swap Professor's and target Heroe's positions, do not turn and change the direction faced of either of these Heroes.
- Professor can make a ranged attack after swapping positions, but it can only be in the direction faced.

Hero Ability: Rat Instincts
Instead of attacking, can pick up, move and place 1 Wall token during the movement phase.
- During Alger's activation, the Institute player has an option to give up Alger's attack and instead get an opportunity to move one Wall token during Alger's movement.
- Alger has to pick up the Wall first. He can do it during any step of his movement. He can pick up a Wall from any side of the tile that he occupies.
- After Alger picks up a Wall, he can either continue movement carry it to another tile, or place it on the other side of the same tile he picked it up from.
- If Alger continues movement after picking up a Wall, he can place this Wall on any subsequent step. The Wall can be placed on any side of the tile Alger occupies.
- After Alger has placed the Wall, he can continue movement.

Hero Ability: Contract Clause DXI
If eliminated and Greg(?) is not on the board, respawn in the deployment zone as Greg(?) at the start of next Turn.
- Once Assistant is eliminated, check if Greg(?) is still on the board.
- If Greg(?) is not on the board, the Assistant can not use his ability. However, if Greg(?) is eliminated in the same Turn, but after the Assistant, the ability can still be used.
- If Greg(?) is not on the board, or eliminated in the same Turn as Assistant, the Assistant can be brought back to the board as a new Greg(?). At the start of next Turn, during the declaration of Pre-Turn abilities, you can redeploy Greg(?) with full set of Armor on any tile of the initial deployment zone.

Hero Ability: Takeover
If eliminates in melee, Greg(?) is removed from board, but the eliminated Hero joins Greg(?)'s team.
- After Greg(?) eliminates enemy Hero with a melee attack, Greg(?) is removed from the board, but the eliminated Hero is not removed from the board and joins the Institute's player team immediately.
- The opposing team's player gives the Hero card of the Hero that has been taken over to the Institute player.
- The Hero that has been taken over is considered activated in a Turn when the Takeover takes place.
- The Heroes that have been taken over can use their Hero Abilities, but can not use Team Skills.

Hero Ability: Transmute
If eliminates in melee, strips and adds eliminated Hero's Armor tokens to his.
- After Blob eliminates enemy Hero with a melee attack, he can add all Armor tokens of the eliminated Hero to any side of his base, or swap existing Regular armor tokens for Superior armor tokens of eliminated Hero.